Inmate Roster Down Due to Upgrade
May 30, 2023, 11:30 am
The Baxter County Sheriff's Office is informing the public of a scheduled upgrade to our records management system that will take place over the next several days. During this time three features on our website, Inmate Roster, Warrants, and Deadbeat Dads and Moms, will show OFFLINE FOR MAINTENANCE.
The Baxter County Sheriff's Office Website continues to be a popular resource for the public to keep up with current arrests, press releases and warrants as well as provide transparency of the Sheriff's Office to the public. From public feedback, we know our website is used daily by parents, teachers, employers, and others. The other parts of the website will remain functional, including the new animal control web page.
Over the past three years, our website has averaged more than 2.6 million visits to the website each year, which includes more than 50 thousand unique visitors each month. The popularity continues this year of 2023 with more than 1 million visitors so far.
We are hopeful the upgrade and data conversion will go smoothly, and we will be back online with these features in the next few days.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Sheriff John Montgomery