Sex Offender Arrested For Failing to Register With Sheriff's Office
Joel Campbell |
June 19, 2013
Thursday, June 13 a convicted sex offender, Joel Campbell came to the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office to notify that he was ‘house sitting’ a residence at 195 Buzzard Roost Cutoff and would be staying at this residence for approximately 3 weeks and had temporary employment at a Mountain Home Convenience Store. Campbell completed his sex offender registration with the Sheriff’s Office that day.
On Tuesday, June 18 Reserve Deputy, Larry Barker was in the process of doing door to door notifications and passing out flyers to the neighbors who live near the residence. Approximately two hours later Sex Offender Coordinator, Maryanne Edge received a call from a neighbor who stated that Campbell in fact had been living at the residence for several months and had also been employed by another business.
Sheriff’s Investigators were able to determine that Campbell had in fact been living in Baxter County for approximately 6-months and had not registered. Campbell was arrested without incident and charged with Failure to Register, Class C Felony. Joel Campbell, age 27 was booked into the Baxter County Detention Center and was released after posting a $15,000 bond, pending his appearance in Baxter County Circuit Court on June 20 at 9 am.
Joe Campbell was convicted of Sexual Assault, 1st Degree (2 counts) on 12-04-2006. The offense involved Campbell engaging in sexual contact with a 9-10 year old female.
After bonding out of the Detention Center, Campbell filled out Sex Offender Registration Paperwork changing his address to 716 Baker Springs Road, St. Joe, AR 72675.
Sheriff John Montgomery