Cody Lee Wilson
Cody Lee Wilson, 20 years old of Baxter County, has been arrested for a second time since September, 2011 for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. Wilson was first charged with that offense on September 27, 2011 after Sheriff’s Investigators determined he had been residing with his mother at a mobile home South of Mountain Home for over a month. In addition to not registering at that time, Wilson is prohibited from residing at that particular location due to its proximity to a public park. After that arrest in Baxter County, Wilson was transferred to the Izard County Jail on an outstanding theft warrant held by that agency and was later released.
Cody Wilson had been given a deadline of November 1st to report to the Baxter County Sheriff’s Office and register as a sex offender as required by law. Wilson failed to report and register, and the Sheriff’s Office did not know where he was currently residing. Investigators sought a warrant of arrest, and today they received a tip that Cody Wilson was at the Twin Lakes Leisure Inn in Mountain Home. Sheriff’s Investigators found him there this morning and took him into custody.
In July, 2007, Cody Lee Wilson was convicted of 2nd Degree Sexual Assault in Crawford County, Arkansas. Wilson, who was 16, was charged after performing oral sex on a 6 year old male. He was court ordered to register as a sex offender in April, 2011. Wilson was assessed as “High Risk” to reoffend by the Juvenile Assessment Committee.
The offender, Cody Wilson, is currently incarcerated in the Baxter County Detention Center with bond set at $15,000. He is set to appear in Circuit Court on November 10th.
/s/ John F. Montgomery,
Baxter County Sheriff