The Baxter County Sheriff's Office will be conducting a firearms qualification shoot for Retired Law Enforcement Officers on Friday, October 11, 2024 beginning at 8:30 AM. This will be held at the NEW SHERIFF'S FIRING RANGE located at the former Baxter County Quarry on Baxter CR 69 off of Hwy 5 South. The entrance will be posted with signs.
The cost for this process is Ten Dollars ($10.00), payable in advance. The retired officer must furnish his or her own firearm and ammunition (certain restrictions apply). Any retired law enforcement officers interested in participating in the firearms qualifications shoot will need to come to the Sheriff's Office to register in advance by filling out a written application and sign a release and waiver of liability form.
The qualification course has been developed and selected by certified firearms instructors of the Sheriff's Office. Those officers who successfully pass the course will be issued an official card from the Sheriff's Office attesting to their having satisfactorily completed the course. Retired officers will not be issued a qualification card from the Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards, as the Sheriff's Office does not participate in that process.
Firing range rules and other limitations will apply. Contact the Sheriff's Office for further details (870) 425-7000.
/s/ John F. Montgomery
Baxter County Sheriff