Tiffany Gail Johnson |
A Baxter County Jail Matron, TIFFANY GAIL JOHNSON, has been arrested and charged with stealing inmate medication after an investigation that was initiated yesterday afternoon, February 27th.
A Jail Inmate had a prescription for hydrocodone that was secured in the nurse's med cart. The jail nurse had conducted a count of the hydrocodone pills in the pill bottle in the inmate's presence on the morning of February 26th at which time 19 pills were counted and noted. The next day, February 27th, while the inmate was being dispensed one of his pills he stated to the jail nurse that the number of pills in the bottle appeared to be less than there should be. Another count was taken, and it was discovered that six of the hydrocodone pills were missing.
The jail nurse alerted supervisory personnel, and a criminal investigation was immediately undertaken. During the course of the investigation, video camera footage at the detention center was reviewed. Investigators found where Jail Matron TIFFANY JOHNSON had opened the med cart without authorization or legitimate purpose at approximately 5:30 AM that morning. During subsequent interrogation, TIFFANY JOHNSON admitted to investigators that she had stolen the six hydrocodone pills from the cart that were prescribed to the inmate.
After conferring with the Prosecuting Attorney, TIFFANY GAIL JOHNSON, 37 years old of Mountain Home, was arrested and charged with:
Breaking or Entering - Felony
Theft of Property - Misdemeanor
Controlled Substances Fraudulent Practices - Felony
Possession of Controlled Substance - Felony
JOHNSON was booked into the Detention Center on these charges and released after posting a $5,000 bond that was set by the Prosecutor. JOHNSON will appear before the Circuit Court to answer on March 5th.
TIFFANY JOHNSON began working for the Sheriff's Office as a part time jail matron in October, 2017 and became a full time employee in February, 2018. Following her arrest yesterday, TIFFANY JOHNSON'S employment with the Sheriff's Office was terminated and she was immediately discharged. The judicial system will now deal with her in the manner it deems appropriate.
/s/ John F. Montgomery,
Baxter County Sheriff