Jason M. Biddle |
JASON MICHAEL BIDDLE, 31 years old of rural Mountain Home, was arrested by this afternoon on several outstanding warrants and drug charges. BIDDLE had at least three outstanding felony bench warrants issued by the Baxter County Circuit Court. These warrants had been issued in July and August upon affidavits of officers from various agencies, including charges stemming from a vehicle pursuit with Arkansas State Police on August 23rd in which BIDDLE was not captured.
Authorities had been searching for BIDDLE since the warrants had been issued. They observed recently on social media that BIDDLE had listed various articles of property on a Facebook Yard Sale page. Investigators utilized a fake account to arrange to meet JASON BIDDLE at a business East of Henderson to purchase some of the items he had listed for sale. BIDDLE and Investigators arrived at the appointed place and time, which resulted in BIDDLE’S arrest. When BIDDLE was taken into custody, he was found to have approximately 2.5 grams of methamphetamine on his person.
JASON BIDDLE was taken to the Baxter County Detention Center and booked on charges of:
First Warrant:
Failure to Appear in Court – Felony
Second Warrant:
Possession of Controlled Substance – Felony
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia- Felony
Fleeing – Felony
Carrying Prohibited Weapon – Misdemeanor
Reckless Driving – Misdemeanor
Driving While License Suspended – Misdemeanor
Fictitious Vehicle License – Misdemeanor
No Seat Belt – Violation
No Liability Insurance – Misdemeanor
Third Warrant:
Furnishing Prohibited Articles – Felony
Possession Controlled Substance – Felony
Possession Drug Paraphernalia – Felony
New charge from arrest:
Possession Controlled Substance With Purpose to Deliver (Methamphetamine) – Felony
BIDDLE is currently being held without bond pursuant to two of the arrest warrants. He will also be facing a parole violation. BIDDLE will appear in the Circuit Court to answer on October 19th. JASON BIDDLE has been booked into the Baxter County Detention Center a total of 28 times since 2004. Investigators are also looking into the articles that BIDDLE had listed for sale and how he obtained them.
Agencies involved in today’s arrest were the Sheriff’s Office, 14th Judicial District Drug Task Force, and the Mountain Home Police Department.
/s/ John F. Montgomery,
Baxter County Sheriff